I believe that expression is an act of freedom. The mission of the school is to share the joy of free expression through knowledge, sincere work and build a community inspired by art and motivated by musicianship.
With the vision in mind, the main focus of the school is on mastering the instrument. Other necessary skills, such as solfeggio and knowledge of theory, are taught only as much as the practical part demands. They are a part of a normal lesson, and their emphasis depends entirely on the situation.
The school does not yet have a mandatory grading system, but there are concerts at the end of each semester where students can showcase their progress, listen to others, and form a community. When a student likes to get an official certificate of a completed grade, we prepare and attend an exam at the national music school, where they can make it possible.
At the moment, there are seven students in the school of varying ages. Those who are in their first year of study usually start with one lesson per week. For students who have been learning the piano for two years or more, two lessons per week are often necessary.